I am seriously trying to understand Liberalism. Perhaps the word meant something different years ago, but now it is connected with big government, big spending, big welfare, and equality for all. Okay. That much I understand - and I disagree with every point. No wonder I have a problem.
Religion is another sticky wicket. One of my more liberal friends has recently accused my blogs of "feeding violence". Hey, where did THAT come from? I am also told that I should read the Holy Bible before I criticize the Qu'ran. Okay. Why? I have studied the Holy Bible over a period of 74 years, and read it completely at least 3 or 4 times. Is that really required to criticize the Qu'ran?
Religion is another sticky wicket. One of my more liberal friends has recently accused my blogs of "feeding violence". Hey, where did THAT come from? I am also told that I should read the Holy Bible before I criticize the Qu'ran. Okay. Why? I have studied the Holy Bible over a period of 74 years, and read it completely at least 3 or 4 times. Is that really required to criticize the Qu'ran?
The Holy Bible does have several blood spilling passages, and so does the Qu'ran. We all agree I think? What then makes one more dangerous than the other? Well my friend, I have no idea. I do know that it wasn't Christians and Jews who flew airliners into the 9/11 Towers. My liberal lecturer says that "Religion is the problem and it doesn't matter whether it's the bible or the Qu'ran". Sorry, but that just isn't so. It matters a lot.
Christians are FREE to interpret the Holy Bible.
Muslims are NOT FREE to interpret the Qu'ran.
My liberal teacher also claims that "people like GLENN BECK are stirring up [Christians] and it's getting ugly out there". This, I presume, is in reference to the recent and highly successful Glenn Beck road show in Washington. I watched it on televivision but saw nothing ugly about that crowd of patriotic Americans. Personally, I think Glenn Beck is a very bright guy with a flair for dramatics. Also, that Mr. Beck has a goofy side that pops out regularly, and lastly, that he's often absolutely correct.
Now, believe it or not, my liberal friend actually "thought Jesse Ventura was a possibility to lead a realistic movement to change things". I darn near dropped my coffee. A bonafide liberal said that? I don't know what old Jesse is doing these days, but I would bet it's something interesting. The guy has moxie and common sense. I like that. He has written sensible books. I like that too.
But the ONLY person that JESSE VENTURA could replace In our government with the best wishes of the vast majority of voters is:
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