Saturday, September 4, 2010

Understanding Islam not easy


As most of you know I think Islam is divided. Part good, part not so good. The religious part tends to be taken from the first half of the Qu'ran, and the political-legal last half contains the stuff I object to. The bad stuff.

I've discovered a website that describes an Islam that claims to be in harmony with our U.S. Constitution and citizenship pledge. After digesting several of their printed documents I wonder if [finally] I've found a group that thinks more or less like I do.

1.  This link connects with a group that appears to be
     standing up and opposing the religious fanatics claiming
     to be followers of the edicts of Mohammed. 

2.  A.I.F.D. insists that the RELIGIOUS component of Islam
     must eliminate forever the ideology of POLITICAL Islam
     in order to network with other interfaith organizations,
     establish a positive contribution to societies, and to
     have a comfortable coexistence with the modern world.
3.  Also, the there must be a clear separation of MOSQUE
     and STATE.

Please take all of the above with caution. I'm still investigating these folks. Their talk sounds okay on the surface, BUT NEVER FORGET that the Qu'ran insists that it is okay to lie about anything if it might cause the advance of Islam. I am currently getting more detailed information about A.I.F.D. and will report again soon.


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