Saturday, March 20, 2010

Better Than Selling Pencils

I ran across this and found it interesting. I knew our representatives were paid pretty well but I didn't really know HOW well. Now I do.

CONGRESSMAN        BASE PAY        $193,400/YR.
      SENATOR           BASE PAY        $193,400/YR.

Members of Congress are eligible for a pension once they reach the age of 50 and have served 20 years. The pension is then 80% of the member's final salary.

Members receive RETIREMENT and HEALTH benefits under the same plans available to other Federal employees. They become fully vested after 5 years participation.

If a Member stays on the job a minimum of 5 years by law, his or her pension may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary for life.

EXAMPLE (1) A 50 year old Member of Congress who has served for 20 years and retires will receive ($193,400 x 80%) = $154,720 each year for the rest of his or her lifetime.

$193,400 x 20 yrs   =   $3,868,000     for WORKING 
   $154,720 x 20 yrs   =   $3,094,400  for NOT WORKING



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