Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Obama-Care Arrives.

Late last night the Democrats voted for the OBAMA-CARE legislation. Despite the many warnings of our citizens, the DEMOCRATS passed the monster. They went over the cliff and took the rest of us along. We really can't blame them as they were just doing what Democrats do best.  Led by their Ultra-Liberal faction enough of them fell in line and, with a little extra push, passed the legislation.

Let's be sure to blame the right people; the REPUBLICANS.  With the entire history of America firmly on their side, the Republican Party failed. They attacked and attacked - but did not develop positive alternatives. They simply said NO to anything the Democrats proposed - without describing what SHOULD BE DONE. 

THAT is the reason the Democrats won the day.
Most  Republicans tend to resist  the growth of city, state, or federal governments. Most Conservatives believe the smallest government possible is the best government. This axiom is balanced with the notion that each citizen has natural rights that government SHOULD protect, but SHOULD NOT control.

When politicians try to obtain new (more) control over American freedoms, Conservative Republicans are honor bound to resist.  We now have more individual freedom than the citizens of any other nation, and most American's would like to keep it that way. 

The great depression in the 1920's to the 1940's was a  pivitol event. It signalled a time when Americans were desperate for relief. They mistakenly empowered the federal government with extraordinary powers over our destiny as a nation.  F.D.R., a Liberal Democrat, was elected on his promise to end the fiscal problems and get the country moving again. I'm going to pass over the many things F.D.R. did in his attempt to do this. I want to concentrate on DEBT.  

Many Americans had worked hard all their lives and, during the depression, lost everything they owned. To help these people F.D.R. established Social Security to HELP SUPPORT these people when they could work no more. The program was to SUPPLEMENT a person's retirement plan. The program had huge flaws. 
  • It was inadequately funded. 
  • Over the years it was expanded to cover more people.
  • And it's benefits were increased. 
  • It can not now be cancelled.
  • It is now unsustainable in it's present form
  • And Social Security must soon undergo a significant overhaul.
Meanwhile, the American public has come to believe they are ENTITLED to Social Security.  As of this moment  SOCIAL SECURITY IS AN OVER-EXTENDED FAILURE.

The MEDICARE program is also in serious trouble. It too was established by LIBERAL DEMOCRATS as a SUPPLEMENTARY insurance program for citizens of retirement age. Over the years the program has become very expensive,  and is highly subject to abuse and fraud.  Yet Congress has both expanded the original program and increased it's benefits.

Meanwhile, like Social Security, Americans believe they are ENTITLED to MEDICARE.  
  • It can not be cancelled. 
  • It was expanded to cover more people.
  • And it's benefits have been increased
  • It was inadequately funded.
  • And it is unsustainable in it's present form
  • The federal government MUST find a way to pay for it.  
Until that happens, MEDICARE is also an OVER-EXTENDED failure.

* * * * *

These two huge government programs, SOCIAL SECURITY and MEDICARE illustrate how and why OBAMA-CARE is the wrong thing to do - and certainly it is the wrong time to drastically increase our national debt.  

Big government controls have never worked very well.

A citizenry with  freedom for individual responsibility, individual invention, individual initiative, and that rewards success will  advance a society faster and higher every time.



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