This is getting scary. Most people I know are deeply concerned about the unity and strength of American society. Are we still based on liberty, equality, law, and individual rights? Of course we are, and this is in spite of our gradual slide toward liberalism. Our societal nature has key elements; The English language, Christianity, religious commitment, the English idea of the rule of law, the responsibility of rulers, and the rights of individuals. All of these were derived from the Anglo-Protestant culture of the founding settlers of America in the 17th and 18th centuries. The success of our great republic has depended on the willingness of Americans to honor the concepts of our founders.
Our future must be devoted to the preservation and enhancement of those concepts.
A war of ideologies is in our immediate future. Perhaps it has already arrived? It promises to be a civilizational struggle of soil and blood, and will ultimately be the West versus eight civilizations that divide the rest. They are: Latin American,African, Islamic, Hindu, Orthodox, Buddist, and Japanese. In the impending conflict Islam will emerge as the main challenger.
Islam and Christianity, both Orthodox and Western, have often been in conflict. This has become intense as with the population growth of Islamic youth that has unsettled Muslim societies and radicalized young Arabs unable to master modernity. They have become the radical children of our time.
If America allows it's founder's priciples and moral authority to be eroded, as is happening right now with our political leadership's denial of our Constitution and other freedom documents, America's unique and successful government experiment will at last crumble in the dust.
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