A quiet morning rain and a dark sky to the south. A good time to review the hot button of the month: ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Perhaps we should first ask ourselves if we are or are we not a nation of laws? Does everyone agree that laws shouldn't be broken and a bad law should be changed or erased? Imigrants are prevented by law from legally coming to America in numbers we can not readily absorb. Is something wrong with that?
Our immigration laws worked for awhile .....but never very well. By the end of World War II Americas immigration enforcement was almost non-existant. The system is now dysfunctional and widely ignored.
Many immigrants have been driven to leave the poverty of their homes in search of work. Their plight is a sad one. America offers a better life, but many can't get across our borders legally. So, they come by stealth. They knowingly break American laws to get here.
Americans have agreed to consider any child born within our borders to be a citizen of the United States. A monumental mistake. Americans have also agreed to grant the newborn child of illegal immigrants with access to free public schools and free medical care. The unintended consequence was that these advantages made illegal entry even more desireable.
Millions of illegal immigrants live in America and receive benefits common to us all: Public Roads, Emergency Room Medicine, Food Stamps, Unemployment Insurance and the list goes on. Is this fair?
Most Americans don't think so.
Most Americans don't think so.
What do you think?
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