Nancy Pelosi has done more damage to the Democratic Party than any other single politician in history. This dysfunctional Speaker of the House is praised for her ugly and brazen bribes and other arm twisting that enabled the huge and controversial Obama-Care legislation. Amazing!
She is praised for her skill, yet was unable to draft even one Republican to this corrupt and partisan effort. It was she and President Obama that forced the unread, undebated, and unpopular legisltation through a compliant Congress. The effort was a disgusting, un-American spectacle and a move toward bigger and bigger government. Presicely what we don't need.
The quality and style of her management of the House of Representatives is shown every day. Now and then though, old Pelosi outdoes herself. Today was one of those days. While speaking about the bribe and pork laden 3,000 page Obama-Care legislation just before asking for a vote on it . . . she actually said:
She is praised for her skill, yet was unable to draft even one Republican to this corrupt and partisan effort. It was she and President Obama that forced the unread, undebated, and unpopular legisltation through a compliant Congress. The effort was a disgusting, un-American spectacle and a move toward bigger and bigger government. Presicely what we don't need.
The quality and style of her management of the House of Representatives is shown every day. Now and then though, old Pelosi outdoes herself. Today was one of those days. While speaking about the bribe and pork laden 3,000 page Obama-Care legislation just before asking for a vote on it . . . she actually said:
"We have to pass this bill so we can find out what is in it"
Yes she did.
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