I need a blog where I can just let is all hang out. My politics tend to lead toward conservatism, and they lean pretty hard. As far as I'm concerned there is no plausible reason supporting the what we now understand as the liberal agenda. None. Americans that voted for Mr. Obama made a huge mistake. They thought he was a bright, articulate, and moderately liberal politician but he has turned out to be an anti-American, socialist zealot. He has been in office one year and accomplished nothing that might benefit our nation. Oh but does he ever talk good. He is indeed a dynamic and accomplished speaker - as long as a teleprompter is handy. The problem is that what he wants to change are the things that make America great.
Most voters didn't realize before the election that Obama has a lifetime history of radical, revolutionary, ultra-liberal views. His ambition is to obtain and solidify power in the government. This fundamental drive is contrary to all of America's traditions and values, but we are dealing with an ideologue whose political philosophy is firmly unchangeable. He is what he is.
Since taking office almost every decision he and his administration have made has been contrary to the overwhelming resistance of the American people. Mr. Obama's decisions are generally not popular and must be forced upon our citizens. These decisions, with perhaps one exception, are intended to permanently cripple our republican democracy by converting it's political system to a system of government controled socialism. Respectable polls indicate that Mr. Obama and his administration do not have the approval of American citizens. If their perfomance was voted upon (ex: the British Prime Minister), they would receive a vote of no-confidence. Think about what has happened on his watch:
1. The government deficit was drastically increased in order to provide a stimulus to the economy. The stimulus proved to have little effect. Businesses continue to fail, workers continue to lose jobs, and the welfare rolls continue to increase. The government should have allowed financial companies, banks, and automobile manufacturers to fail. There are adequate bankruptcy laws on the books for exactly this kind of situation. The entire business of buying America out of a recession is nonsense. Milton Friedman had it right, Keynes didn't.
2. Mr. Obama inherited a nation on the brink of recession and fighting two wars. The economy was badly strained by over speculation, worthless securities, and out of control real estate markets. His predessor had already (and incorrectly) borrowed heavily from the future. It was a poor decision to do so. Apparently it's purpose was to reinforce the economy as it slipped toward recession. It didn't work. On taking office, Mr. Obama chose to blame the condition of America on the previous administration. This was a cowardly way to begin a new administration. Every new President inherits a mess and works to correct whatever needs correction. Mr. Obama chose to whine and point fingers excusing himself from the challenge.
3. Following 9/11 the Bush Administration's first priority was to protect America from more attacks. In some cases rather Draconian security measures were put in place. Most Americans understood that they had lost a measure of freedom on that date. Mr. Obama did not, and in his haste to condemn the previous administration, he chose to threaten legal action against the Bush Administration. He pushed to prosecute military interrogators who functioned according to the applicable law in their application of intensive questioning of suspected terrorists. This was a deceitful threat with no basis except to paint the Bush Administration with a black brush.
4. Our enemy, Islamic bred terrorists, claimed that we Americans were torturing military prisoners at our Quantanamo base. Further that we were not following the Geneva Conventions regarding the terrorist prisoners. The Bush administration obtained a legal opinion that waterboarding was not torture and could be used as a last resort in attempting to pry information from our military prisoners. This legal opinion was followed in our military prisons everywhere. Mr. Obama, for the purpose of painting members of the Bush Administration as common criminals, threatened to defame the lawyers and military interrogators by accusing them of using illegal torture methods to extract information. Mr. Obama loudly and publically acted in a despicable way to threaten legal action in order to tarnish the previous administration. Despicable.
5. after lunch
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