Example: Both Democrats and Republicans are against deficits. Why then are there deficits? How did we get them in the first place? Who is responsible for approving and voting for the deficits?
One hundred Senators, 435 Congressmen, 9 Supreme Court Justice's, and one President add up to 545 people. Most (the majority) of these individuals are responsible for our political problems. That doesn't include the special interests and lobbyists because they have NO authority, and every legislator and every President has the power to refuse to listen to them.
One hundred Senators, 435 Congressmen, 9 Supreme Court Justice's, and one President add up to 545 people. Most (the majority) of these individuals are responsible for our political problems. That doesn't include the special interests and lobbyists because they have NO authority, and every legislator and every President has the power to refuse to listen to them.
The 545 Democrats and Republicans spend most of their energy trying to convince you and I that whatever bad was done is not their fault, and whatever good is. This is ridiculous. Any thing done by our Federal Government is their fault. The House of Representatives, for example, is responsible for originating and approving appropriations and taxes, and members of the House can approve any budget they want. If the President applies his veto power, the House can simply over-ride it. Members of the House are directly responsible.
- Somewhere within the 545 exists a majority of incompetent and irresponsible people. There isn't one domestic program that is not traceable to them.
- If taxes are unfair, it is because they want them to be unfair.
- What happens in our Federal Government is what most of these 545 people want to happen.
- If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.
- If our military forces are in Iraq, it's because most of the 545 people want them there.
- If Federal officials do not receive Social Security but are entitled to an elite, generous retirement program NOT AVAILABLE to the people, it's because they want it that way.
So it is the 545 elected and appointed government employees, and they alone, that have the power of our government in their hands, and each should be accountable to the citizens they represent.
It is inconceivable when a nation of 300 million citizens does not vote to REPLACE the people in Government that are NOT listening to them and therefore NOT representing the will of the people.
What do you think?
Oh I'm votin'! And I wish I could vote the all out, but I'll satisfy myself with voting against one liberal senator...