Monday, June 14, 2010

Down, Dirty, and FED UP


Being a chest thumping guy I will do most anything to avoid saying "I'm afraid". But damn it all, I am afraid. Not for my skin but for my way of life. Like you, I was very lucky to have been born in America. Thanks to the U.S. Airforce I have seen many areas of the world, and believe me, America is a 10 out of 10. If either of us had been born in Ethiopia for example, we would have led very different lives.

The environment I grew up in and have grown to appreciate even more in my old age, the American environment, is being whittled away. A really terrible political-social group is at the door threatening everything I ever knew. Our enemy, Islam, is not a religion as I have always accepted.  Eureka! It has taken the recent terrorist events to destroy that illusion.

Islam is a political system, based upon Sharia law, whose entire purpose is the elimination of freedom. the destruction of whomever resists, and the domination of the world.

This is a political monster designed by a corrupt and evil person. Anyone that follows the direction of this fellow Muhammad is a anti-human moron.

Yes, I have several friends that are "peaceful" Muslims and very nice neighbors. It does not change my mind, it just makes it more important that I convince them to look at their professed "religion" a little closer.  Islam has it's God and 72 virgins but it sure as hell isn't a religion.

The Quran is in two basic parts. The first is similar to the Christian Holy Bible, and the second is a militant scheme to dominate the world. In several ways the second part is similar to Mein Kamph and the Communist Manifesto. We don't need another "superior race," or another anti-Semitic movement. People who are now Muslims need to bring down their radical, fundamentalist leaders. If they do not, not only are they cowards in their belief system, but they are rightly branded as THE ENEMY.

They have invaded European countries and are now as much as 25% of the population. They refuse to assimilate. They refuse to honor their adopted country above their home country, and they insist that our 75% become subservient to their 25%. They strongly promote Sharia law over the laws of the country unlucky enough to enjoy their presence, The Europe we knew is almost gone. Almost out of sight.

Islamic mosques are being built, in a rush, with money gained from the sale of oil to America and other western countries. The Saudi's gloat as they pour riches into mosques intended to promote the evil of Islam. The desert Arabs so actively trying to erase Israel are offering training grounds, sanctuary, armaments, weapons, and anti-West propaganda. These people are killing us. They are murderers. They are taking over, piece by piece, our legacy of freedom.

And we have a President who is helping them.

Now THAT is something I never thought I would ever see. Worse yet, there are many intelligent Americans that actually voted for this guy. He is doing his very best to follow the agenda that he ran for office on. No surprises here. He told everybody that he was a Harvard educated and ignorant disaster in the making. They still voted for him. Go figure!

I can understand people not voting for a geriatric candidate with a spotty record as a independent spirit. The vote he managed to obtain were largely due to the sparkling image of his vice presidential running mate, Sarah Palin. Regardless, any person who voted for Mr. Obama simply blew it. They wasted their vote on a radical socialist who deserved nothing.

And now, for the first time, I am afraid. Mr. Obama and his extremely liberal following, have embarked on a perilous journey to the far, far, far, left. This path leads directly to the elimination of Israel, the Islamic take over of Europe, and the collapse of liberty in America.


If not, we are doomed.


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